上海の取扱店LIVE HUNTER様のご好意により、Moi-même-Moitié プロデューサー Mana様来店イベント「Shanghai After Midnight~青き薔薇が上海を包み込む魅惑の夜~」を開催することができました。


Moi-même-Moitié producer Mana-sama visited Shanghai for the instore event 「Shanghai After Midnight ~Enchanting Night Embraced by a Blue Rose~」, held in cooperation with our local stockist LIVE HUNTER.
Different from a convention or tea party the event was centered around a Q&A, parts of which can be found below.
Please enjoy it with some photos of the event.

在上海代理店LIVE HUNTER的盛情邀約之下,我們有幸舉辦了Moi-même-Moitié 創意總監Mana sama來店活動「Shanghai After Midnight~藍薔薇縈繞上海的魅惑之夜~」。







約20年くらい前に、上海にMoi-même-Moitié を出店しないか?という話を受け1度訪れたことがあるんです。


・Mana様にとってMALICE MIZERとMoi dix Moisにおいてのご自身はそれぞれどのような存在ですか?

MALICE MIZERでは完全なる女性を表現、Moi dix Moisは究極の中性的な感じです。






MALICE MIZERでのステージセットは私が立体的に書きます。




・We know you are involved in the apparel design process, but where does your inspiration come from?

I am often inspired by European Gothic architecture. This influence is reflected most strongly in prints like Silent Moon and Stained Glass.

・Your signature color is blue, but does that mean that you actually own a lot of blue accessories and clothes? Please give us some advice on how to create wonderful coordinates with blue.

I think I’m generally about 80% black and 20% blue. Black and blue go so well together, it’s a magnificent combination that makes you look cool and cute. It may be difficult to allow yourself to use blue lipstick, but I’d love for everyone to try!

・I think it’s the first time you’ve come to Shanghai, but if you had to choose a color to represent the city which would it be?

Actually there was some talk of bringing Moi-même-Moitié to Shanghai about 20 years ago, so I’ve been here once before.

That tower that looks like a UFO is very iconic, so maybe pink? or purple? Something like that.

・In your opinion, how would you define your own existence in both MALICE MIZER and Moi dix Mois?

You could say that in MALICE MIZER I was expressing myself in an entirely female manner, while in Moi dix Mois I am depicting ultimate androgyny.

・If you could go back in time, where would you go? Please also let us know the reason why.

I’d go back to the time when I was in middle school, I wanted to join Johnny’s Jr. and practiced back flips and dancing and things like that.
If I had continued on that path, I might have created a new “Visual kei Johnny’s” genre (laughs).

・Mana-sama, you always look so young, can you please tell us more about your skin care regimen?

I regularly drink tomato and mixed vegetable juice by Del Monte. It has a strong celery taste and is really good.
Lycopene also has a brightening effect on the skin.

・Have you ever thought of not only designing apparel but also trying your hand at interior design?

I designed the MALICE MIZER stage sets in three-dimensional drawings.

・Your music typically overflows with your world view, unique storytelling and sense of beauty. If your creations or world view were to be made into a movie, what kind of movie would it be?

A maiden wandering through a pitch-black maze, seeking her own true self. While getting wounded on her thorny path, she discovers a ray of light.


・Mana sama對於服裝設計也頗有心得,想問一下Mana sama平時服裝設計的靈感來自於哪裡呢?

受歐洲哥特建築的影響比較多。這些反映到了Silent Moon還有教堂彩窗印花上。

・Mana sama的代表色是藍色,在日常生活中藍色的飾品和服裝是不是非常多呢?對於藍色搭配的建議有哪些呢?

基本上是80%黒色和20%藍色。黒和藍搭配出來效果非常好,可以很帥氣也可以很可愛。 把嘴唇塗成藍色可能難度比較大,但我希望大家試一下!

・Mana sama第一次來到上海,覺得上海是什麼顏色的呢?

大概20年前的時候,有人邀請我在上海開設Moi-même-Moitié 的店鋪,所以去過一次。 像UFO一樣的塔給我的印象很深刻,所以是粉紅色或紫色的吧?

・MALICE MIZER的Mana sama和Moi dix Mois的Mana sama對於本人來説分別是什麼樣的存在呢?

在MALICE MIZER表現的是完全的女性,在Moi dix Mois則是究極的中性。

・如果Mana sama有時光倒流的能力,請問最想回到什麼時候呢?為什麼?


・Mana sama是出名的十幾年如一日的童顏不老,想請問在日常生活中有什麼護膚秘籍嗎?可以分享一下嗎?

我經常喝Del Monte的番茄蔬菜混合果汁。西芹的味道很強烈非常好喝,茄紅素也有美白效果。

・Mana sama有沒有想過渉足其他設計領域呢,比如居家裝飾用品,或者家具設計?

MALICE MIZER的舞台道具是我負責了三維立體設計。

・Mana sama的PV和音樂理念都非常有故事性和藝術的美感,如果把Mana sama的作品或者理念拍成一部電影,希望是一部什麼樣的電影?


† FROM Mana sama †


The instore event in Shanghai was a lot of fun! The mood was very lively and enoyable during the raffle and Q&A. Being able to take photos around Shanghai during the daytime also felt quite different and refreshing. I also had a chance to see the beautiful illuminations at night as well as eat delicious food, and had a short but altogether very pleasant stay. Thank you to all who attended the event!


上海撮り下ろし写真、Mana様旅日記などは Moi-même-Moitié Official Online Salon にて公開いたします。
More Shanghai photos and Mana-sama’s travel diary will be available exclusively to Moi-même-Moitié Official Online Salon members.
在上海特別拍攝的照片、Mana sama旅行日記等將在Moi-même-Moitié Official Online Salon公開。


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