KAMIJO made a surprise visit to the event to help out and be my voice during the Q&A, much to the delight of all attendees! This was the first time ever I communicated through KAMIJO in my usual manner so it was a strange sight for sure.
After that followed a trivia game, which was a first for me. Questions about me were read to the audience, who would guess my answers while I drew them on a big sketchbook. Since I had to show my drawings to the audience I wanted to make sure they were as high quality as possible, so I made them as elaborate as I could within the limited time. I’m generally not very good with animals, so when I was asked about my favorite flying animal I slightly panicked and drew an airplane instead! When I showed the drawing to the audience they did respond along the line of “that’s not an animal!”, but even though I’m fairly good at drawing I’m not confident I can draw animals very well… Since the audience never knew what to expect I think they found it quite interesting. Mana
接下來是我第一次參與的遊戲環節。主持提出一個關於我的問題,觀眾猜測我的回答的同時,我在素描本上畫出我的答案。因為必須把畫給觀眾看,所以儘管時間有限,我還是盡量畫得細緻一點,提高畫的水平。我不擅長畫動物,卻有一個關於“喜歡的鳥”的問題。結果我一著急,就畫了飛機!展示畫的瞬間,觀眾表示“這又不是動物!”的反應很有趣,但是我雖然擅長畫畫,卻還是沒有畫好動物的自信…。這種無從猜測會發生什麼的感覺,觀眾們也覺得很有趣吧? Mana
Since the meet & greet was held in a separate room with every attendee entering one by one, it probably bore some resemblance to the Rendezvous events we often hold in Japan. Everyone was clearly very nervous, and many spoke with teary eyes about how they liked my work from a young age and were now finally able to meet me in person. Hearing things like that certainly is very moving. I was also so happy to be able to meet everyone. Thank you very much.
I signed an item of their choice for each attendee and escorted them for a short distance. I’m really happy that so many came to met me from so many different countries. Mana
我為參加者們簽了名,并護送了一小會兒。看到各位從各地趕來,我非常高興。 Mana
The next day was the Eternal Twilight after-party so in the evening I headed to the venue. In the morning I had some time to spare so I visited the Fortress of Suomenlinna, where I found a green Red Bull with kiwi and apple flavor. I’d never seen this flavor before so I thought I’d take a photo of it together with the Baltic Sea. Mana
在第二天有Eternal Twilight的慶功派對,所以我下午去了會場。上午有一點時間,就去芬蘭堡(Fortress of Suomenlinna)觀光了。在這裡我買到了奇異果和蘋果味的紅牛,因為很少見,就和波羅的海一起拍了一張合影。
In the twilight hour I headed to the venue and went up to the balcony, where I watched the show while sipping a blue cocktail named after me – Mana. There were several performances such as collaborative fashion show between models and live singing, as well as ballet and theater, and since this was the first time I’d attended such an event it was quite interesting to watch. Afterwards the evening turned into a dance party with music by various Japanese artists, which peaked with several songs by MALICE MIZER and Moi dix Mois echoing through the venue. Just when the excitement of all attendees reached its peak, the event came to an end in the middle of the night. Mana
到了黄昏,我來到會場2樓,一邊品嘗著以我為靈感調製的名為Mana的雞尾酒,一邊觀賞演出。Lolita模特們在舞台上首先展示了與現場演唱進行合作的走秀,隨後又有芭蕾舞和戲劇等各種形式的演出。我還是第一次看到這樣的表演,覺得非常有趣。最後在日本音樂的伴奏下舉行了舞會。高潮時刻,MALICE MIZER、Moi dix Mois的音樂陸續在大廳響起,觀眾的熱情也達到極點,慶功派對就這樣在午夜落下帷幕。 Mana
It had been quite some time since my last visit to Europe, and it was my second visit to Finland.
I’ve been on tour to Europe several times, so when I saw the city scenery with its beautiful buildings I kind of felt like I’d come home.
Eternal Twilight really was a a very enjoyable, exciting and moving event.
To all who came to the venue to meet us, all models who wore Moi-même-Moitié so beautifully and all staff who supported us so well throughout the event, thank you so much for a wonderful time. Mana
Eternal Twilight是一場令人開心、興奮、感動的活動。
還有為活動提供支持的各位工作人員,謝謝你們為我帶來了一段愉快的時光。 Mana
2. ロシア正教のきらびやかな聖壇、ウスペンスキー寺院。レンガ調でダークな趣を感じ重厚感がある。
The gorgeous Russian Orthodox sanctuary,
Uspenski Cathedral
The imposing red brick building has a dark charm.
俄羅斯東正教的絢麗聖壇,烏斯佩斯基教堂(Uspenski Cathedral)。紅磚建築有種黒暗的氣息,很有厚重感。
3. ロシア正教会ならではの絢爛な装飾やイコンが見られる。中は煌びやかで美しかった。
The inside is adorned with the gorgeous decorations and icons that Russian Orthodox churches are known for. It was dazzling and beautiful.
4. 歴史ロマンにあふれる、世界遺産スオメンリンナ要塞
Full of the romance of history, World Heritage site Suomenlinna Fortress
Going to the island by ferry and being overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery on this vast open space really made me feel its history and caused me to contemplate many things.
充滿了歴史浪漫感的世界遺産芬蘭堡(Fortress of Suomenlinna)
5. ヘルシンキの街歩き
Taking a walk in Helsinki
Luckily the weather was just right so it was altogether very pleasant.
Things like having coffee at a cafe and taking a walk in the park allowed me to really experience the city. Helsinki is a wonderful place.